Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Decisions, Decisions.

Bill and I have some major decisions to make within the next couple months as well as some minor ones (such as: should I rejoin the Library's Friends, for a small fee, which gets me into the bi-annual book sales an hour early before the book dealers come in and ravage the place? And should I paint our bedroom a bright cheerful yellow - which I like the idea of - or go with a neutral boring cream color that settles you into a new day with a soothing nudge out of bed?)

President Obama is making some very big (very, very big) decisions, as well as some little ones, as well- although I think the little decisions have nothing to do with books and bedroom colors. Everyone I know has some kind of decision to make in the next twenty four hours- even if its just what they will eat or drink.

We're trying to get Harry to decide to drink water, again- from his bowl. He is refusing. And he can afford to refuse to drink the water from his bowl because there is still snow outside. That's what he is eating- and therefore drinking. Because we're on well water, his perceptive little snoot can detect any natural earthy tastes to the water, even though we treat the well water with a water treatment system. But that's not enough for Harry. He prefers snow to tepid, well water in his dog bowl. So that's what he'll have- but only for a couple more months. Then it will be back to well water in a bowl for him- like it or not.

There seems to be a time frame for most decisions we have to make. And I've lately been wondering if God has a type of time frame for some of the decisions He makes. I think a lot of His decisions dove tail with our decisions. That's not to say that God waits on us hand and foot to see what we'll decide. But there is a verse that talks about how the Lord longs to be gracious to us and that He even waits for us.

Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you, And therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. For the LORD is a God of justice; How blessed are all those who long for Him. (Is 30:18)

I wonder what God is waiting for? It says He is waiting on high to have compassion on us, but what is He waiting for? That word in Hebrew literally does mean to wait, to tarry. Could it be that we have a type of time frame for the decision we need to make regarding what God wants to give us? Decisions, decisions. But this decision is rather plain to figure out: will I receive what God wants to bestow on me?

This is like asking Harry if he would like a nice mouthful of fluffy white snow- or would he rather have that yucky well water. It's a clear decision for Harry. What refreshes us and what quenches our thirst is also well within our reach. God is reaching out to us. He's waiting.

We have a decision to make.

1 comment:

duopastorale said...

I love that verse. Waiting for the right time is the hardest. Blessings :)