Friday, March 13, 2009

Signs of Spring

Today is Friday the thirteenth and its a fabulous day. Forget superstitions and stuff like that. Blessings are much more agreeable to the soul and there are plenty of blessings to be found... everywhere.

I can't tell you how much I am anticipating Spring. Almost everything about this past winter was long and dark and draining. It's not just the Economy and depressing daily news and the cold and the ice. It's all that combined together and then the lack of fun, fellowship, silly times, light hearted times. You need all of that too. At least I do.

And for some reason it seems easier to laugh and smile and let little grievances go when the sun is shining down on you and the breezes are light and fragrant. New Yorkers become almost pleasant in the Spring time. We even let the car ahead of us get in line without a fuss...when its sunny and warm.

My brother Mark, the gardener, is definitely ready for Spring time- and not because he found the winter long and hard. I mean that he is ready for it as in prepared for it. His little seedlings are already sprouting and the little miniature lemon tree he has is already sprouting the beginning of a tiny little Meyer lemon.

I wish I had a green thumb. If I could grow green things and make them thrive under my care, I would feel like an Earth Mama. But as it is, I watch all that growing with such awe and reverence. It's in the spring time that I remember that growing things is a gift, an art, a joy, a grace.

I'm going to do my best to make God smile today because I am growing in His grace. I hope He sees me as a little green shoot sprouting up from the rich soil of His love. I don't feel all that strong and I don't think I look like all that promising. But I'm convinced He is the Master Gardener and it's always Spring time with Him. There are always favorable breezes and constant Son shine with Him, and there has never been a better time to spring up and reach out to Him with gratefulness and joy cause you're alive under His watchful care.


Anonymous said...

I believe it is okay not to feel joy all the time. However, with Christ anything can be moved through. I hope you see Spring soon. Blessings and Peace...

Anonymous said...

I agree with you - I also am awaiting Spring this year. :o) It was wonderful here in New England today - it was in the 50's - woo hoo!

duopastorale said...

It seems we are all ready for Spring this year. I really feel the hope rising as I look out at the garden and start planning... God is good. Blessings.
This I Do...